Thursday, March 15, 2012

How To Trim Bearded Dragon Nails

Believe it, a bearded dragon's nails can be become super sharp. There is nothing worse then trying to trim your bearded dragon's nails and then having him or her scratch you. It's not a nice feeling. Here are the steps on how to trim your bearded dragon's nails:

Keep in mind that most people let their bearded dragon's nails continue to grow but I don't recommend it. The goal is not to cut deep.

Step 1: Prepare yourself in case of cutting the live tissue of the animal, have towels and a wet rag in case. It's always good to be prepared.

Step 2: Take the nail clipper and clip about a small piece of the tip.

Step 3: On the beardd dragon, there is a sharp point of the tip where it starts to extend you are just cutting the black portion. The white portion starts to feed into the skin tissue.

Step 4: Once you have cut the tip, you are going to perform this a few more times

Step 5: Once completed you are going to massage the tips with a little bit of water. The purpose behind this is that you can calm the bearded dragon down in case it does feel pain.

Remember, if you do this correctly the bearded dragon will feel no pain and it will cooperate with you the next time you have to cut the nails. On average, you should cut the nails about every month. It will take a few weeks for the nails to grow back.

Do you have a question about your bearded dragon? Leave us a comment down below!

1 comment:

  1. My beardie needs his nails cut! They've grown over into a circle. We didn't know we were supposed to cut them! What should we do?
