Monday, November 28, 2011

My Beardie Is Sick

Sorry I have been away for the past month but I am back from vacation. I know what your thinking my bearded dragon is sick no it has not. My bearded dragon is still in good health.

These are the three common words that a bearded dragon doesn't want to hear or say:
Sick Bearded Dragon

Unfortunately, this can become a reality if it's not being taken care of. With so many distractions from TV to your smartphone taking care of a pet is the utmost priority.

Question: How do I take care of a bearded dragon who is sick?

Here are some of the common situations that you may come across with:

-Bearded dragon may not be eating
-Bearded dragon may have diarrhea
-Bearded dragon may not be getting enough calcium

Again, there are more situations however the one that's most common is not eating.

What can you do to lessen the effects of this happening?

1. Monthly Checkups

Believe it or not, monthly checkups help lessen the effects of being sick and ill. Your local vet can give you solid advice on what the dragon should eat and drink.

2. Diet

What is your dragon's food intake? Are you feeding him/her the right food? Have you been giving a balanced diet? How many times are you feed? These are things that you need to take into account.

Here are some of the common foods that a bearded dragon breeder will feed a bearded dragon:

Meat Sources:

•Crickets; pinhead crickets for juveniles
•Wax worms - high in fat, so feed sparingly
•King worms

Green Sources:

•dandelion greens
•turnip greens

Keep in mind that your bearded dragon is an omnivore. That means it eats plants and meat. My suggestion is to base the feeding 50/50.

3. Do Research
To make sure that there is nothing serious wrong with the bearded dragon. Consult a doctor or look online using credible sources. You will be able to provide more insight for the vet/doctor to what the problem is.

**Don't be a doctor. If your beardie is truly sick then what you would do is go to a vet immediately. People will try to be a doctor to their pets and they may potentially make a mistake.

I hope that this information helps you in your future endevours.l

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