In a world of chaos there is still some good in the world. In West Midlands, a young bearded dragon was saved after an emergency in a home in a downstairs basement. Using an oxygen mask that is designed for humans it was saved. Firefighters responded to a call reporting a bulb in the lizards vivarium overheated and caused a fire that spread throughout.
A firefighter named Lucy Evans who came to the scene, said: "We got Thorn out of there – we didn’t discuss giving the kiss of life but our colleagues gave the animal oxygen."
There were two firefighters that had to enter the building and that there are glad to say that Thorn is recovering.
Bearded dragons of any age may eat a variety of insects, though the most commonly used insect is crickets. The crickets should be no longer than the distance between the bearded dragon's eyes, as feeding them too large of insects may cause undesirable health effects to occur in the bearded dragon.Bearded dragon diet