Monday, November 28, 2011

My Beardie Is Sick

Sorry I have been away for the past month but I am back from vacation. I know what your thinking my bearded dragon is sick no it has not. My bearded dragon is still in good health.

These are the three common words that a bearded dragon doesn't want to hear or say:
Sick Bearded Dragon

Unfortunately, this can become a reality if it's not being taken care of. With so many distractions from TV to your smartphone taking care of a pet is the utmost priority.

Question: How do I take care of a bearded dragon who is sick?

Here are some of the common situations that you may come across with:

-Bearded dragon may not be eating
-Bearded dragon may have diarrhea
-Bearded dragon may not be getting enough calcium

Again, there are more situations however the one that's most common is not eating.

What can you do to lessen the effects of this happening?

1. Monthly Checkups

Believe it or not, monthly checkups help lessen the effects of being sick and ill. Your local vet can give you solid advice on what the dragon should eat and drink.

2. Diet

What is your dragon's food intake? Are you feeding him/her the right food? Have you been giving a balanced diet? How many times are you feed? These are things that you need to take into account.

Here are some of the common foods that a bearded dragon breeder will feed a bearded dragon:

Meat Sources:

•Crickets; pinhead crickets for juveniles
•Wax worms - high in fat, so feed sparingly
•King worms

Green Sources:

•dandelion greens
•turnip greens

Keep in mind that your bearded dragon is an omnivore. That means it eats plants and meat. My suggestion is to base the feeding 50/50.

3. Do Research
To make sure that there is nothing serious wrong with the bearded dragon. Consult a doctor or look online using credible sources. You will be able to provide more insight for the vet/doctor to what the problem is.

**Don't be a doctor. If your beardie is truly sick then what you would do is go to a vet immediately. People will try to be a doctor to their pets and they may potentially make a mistake.

I hope that this information helps you in your future endevours.l

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Bearded Dragon Costs and Supplies

Alright, this is a tough one because with the variety of things that are out there in the market we have complied just the "raw basics" of what a bearded dragon needs and generally the costs associated with this. Keep in mind that these are just averages and that they vary depending on what the website or retail location says. Here are just some of the bearded dragon costs and supplies that you need to be aware of when purchasing a bearded dragon


-One large vivarium (40-75 gallon) is about $90-$200 for the tank. For the lid you are looking at about $30-$50. The lid is included with most. (If not, try to negotiate it in)

You can also build your own cage. This does get pricey though. What I suggest is that you look for the sales. Usually, if you buy out of season this is when you get a good price.


-Heat lighting - An everyday lightbulb is fine for heat. This does vary depending upon if the bearded dragon is a baby or adult.

- 95 to 100 degrees for adults,
- 100 to 110 for babies

Note: The lighting need to be a few inches away from the dragon to get the best effect.

Lightbulb $1-$2
Fixture: $15-$30

-UV Tube lighting - The lighting varies on opinion however you can go to your pet store and find one that you think is suitable.

Cost for UV lighting $25-$40 depeding

DON'T buy florescent lighting

-UV fixture - The pet shop ones are usually higher in price and range from $20-35. You can be savvy and look online however just be aware of what you are buying.
*Try looking at a hardware store to get good deals on the fixtures

-Substrate (Sand or Lining) - I am a little weary on this one because I just use the lining. People get sand from like the dollar store or something and I don't trust it even if its cost effective.

For adults: I would suggest using sand
For babies: DO NOT!!

Soil is NOT an option so don't think about it. If your not sure go to you pet store and ask about it. In terms of sand don't let your dragon eat it or else they may get sick.


Tank Furniture - If you cheap you can find stuff outside for FREE. This includes branches and rocks. If you want to give you pet luxury then you would go to the pet store and buy fancy rocks with TV's built in and such.
The price varies accordingly.


Adult Dragons- Crickets and Worms
Babies- Superworms and Crickets

The cost for crickets varies depending on the pet store but your looking at around 10-15 cents per bug. Try to look for deals in terms of bugs and see if they have an option where you can buy them by the hundreds and get a better price.

Veggies are a good choice when they become older. You can pick up some at your local supermarket.

Examples of veggies include carrots and greens
Cost: $3-$4

In total your looking about:

$200 plus for supplies so budget effectively and accordingly

In order to be successful you need to budget and plan effectively to make sure that your bearded dragon has the necessary basic needs met. If your not sure of something don't be afraid to go to your local pet store and ask. They are here to help you make an informed decision.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

How to Entertain A Bearded Dragon

Entertainment is a part of life.We as humans entertain ourselves with the finer things in life such as TV, Internet, Going out on dates and other interesting ways. How about pets are there any interesting ways to entertain them. Let's consider a bearded dragon for example. Entertaining your bearded dragon is a fun thing to do. Your bearded dragon is like your best friend and you want him or her (Yes there are girl bearded dragon names) to enjoy it's life.

So how do you entertain your bearded dragon? Here are some suggestions:

- You could purchase another bearded dragon. You never know what can happen if you have another bearded dragon in the mix.
- Get vines, rocks and any other things you can find outdoors
- Try hiding the food (don't be mean to the beardie but try to have some fun with it)
- Give something new to the bearded dragon to try like crickets or mealworms
- Put a mini TV in the tank inside a rock. Animals love shiny things
- Give your bearded dragon some exposure outside of the tank. Unleash him or her on your friends, your mom or dad. Try to scare them!
- Let them have a fun run outside of the tank. They need to breath too and they need exercise

Here a just some ways to enhance your bearded dragons life and give them some entertainment. If you have any suggestions just leave a comment below!

Bearded Dragon Growth Rate: How Does Your Stack Up?

One of the most common things that happen with a bearded dragon is that they will grow up to a certain length then stop and people want to know if that is normal?

Let me ask have you kept a chart of your bearded dragon's growth rate from about 6 weeks till about 6 months.

Here is the general breakdown of bearded dragons. This doesn't apply to every bearded dragon because there are exceptions. It depends on many factors such as enclosure, food, health and many others. It may be different for you. So I recommend that you have a chart and keep track.

Age (Based on average in inches)

6 weeks--6
7 weeks--6.7
8 weeks--7
9 weeks--7.5 (close to 8)
10 weeks--8.5
11 weeks--9
12 weeks--10.25
13 weeks--11
14 weeks--12.25
15 weeks--13
16 weeks--13.25
17 weeks--14
18 weeks--14.27
19 weeks--14.5
20 weeks--15
6 months--15.25-18

Again, this is just a model to follow and just remember to keep track of this. Most bearded dragons range anywhere from 18-24 approx. If you have a German dragon then you are looking close to 2 feet.

Just remember these three things: Feed, Love and Measure.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Is This Normal For A New Bearded Dragon?

One of the things to be aware of as a bearded dragon owner is the natural behaviour of a bearded dragon. There are times when a bearded dragon may not eat, sleep or just be plain attentive and look as if he or she is stressed.

Imagine if you are getting your first bearded dragon and in the morning they eat a lot then in the afternoon they eat a lot and finally in the evening they don't eat anything. Considering that some bearded dragons depending on the species eat crickets or veggies.
Some bearded dragons even eat mice. Ohhhh My!

This is absolutely normal for a first time bearded dragon owner. Bearded dragons are just like humans however you need to be aware that you may have to control their eating habits.

Tip: Try not to over feed them and have portion control. This will lead to a happy and healthy bearded dragon. Don't and I repeat don't deprive them of their food. Just like any animal they require food to survive.

There are times when a bearded dragon may not eat. So you may need to back off and not force them food. Take it slow the first couple of days.

If worse comes to worse take them to a vet if they haven't eaten for a week or so.
(This is just opinion. Recommend going to your vet)

Here are just some pieces of information to be aware of.

Take Care

Thursday, August 18, 2011

My Bearded Dragon Is Peeling (Shedding) It's Skin: Why?

Bearded Dragons are very interesting animals. Just like a snake; bearded dragons peel their skin and its quite interesting why?

Imagine that you were a snake and you had to shed or peel your skin. It would feel different and unusual. This is what a bearded dragon has to go through. Just remember that you need to be aware of the habits and behaviours of bearded dragons.

There are many reasons such as:
a)It has become small and tight for them
b)Natural pattern for a bearded dragon
c)Replace old skin
d)Their maybe injury or germs that have damaged the body
e)For growth

Just like humans we shed skin for growth and to replace old cells that may be lurking on the body as well.

It's a natural occurrence for bearded dragons so if it seems odd its not. This is just another thing that as a bearded dragon owner that you need to be aware of.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

My Bearded Dragon Won't Eat: Are Your Serious?

This is a common problem that many bearded dragons owners face and its starts by them saying: My Bearded Dragon Won't Eat?

To start off there could be a number of things wrong?

Here is just a mini list of somethings that you need to look out for if this problem has happened to your bearded dragon.

**What have you been feeding the bearded dragon?

Generally, the common diet and food for a bearded dragon is they don't need a lot of water. Remember that these are reptiles. This will cause them to have a high humidity in the tank. The idea is that you just need to mist them a couple of days and give them a bath.

**Have you overfeed the bearded dragon?

The bearded dragon is just like a human (in retrospect) if you overfeed it the reptile can become bloated. Eventually, they will start to pee and poop everywhere and that's not a nice thing to have. However, peeing and pooping for a bearded dragon is normal.

**Have you made sure that the bearded dragon is comfortable in their surroundings?

Believe it or not the bearded dragon is just like a human and if its not comfortable or feels safe it will not eat. Put them in a secure tank, with sad and a heated light. If they don't feel great about where they live, they won't eat.


1)Have you been to an vet or animal specialist?

One of the hardest things as a bearded dragon owner is that you will try everything under the sun however when the problem gets to worse you haven't visited a vet or animal specialist to dwell deeper in the issue.

2)Have you used vitamins to correct the issue?

3)Sometimes a little TLC can go a long way

This means give the bearded dragon a massage on the stomach. It helps the digestion.

4) There is a term called brumation and it's very common in bearded dragons. It's like hibernation for bears but different. This is where the bearded dragon sleeps a lot and eats less and less. If your a bearded dragon owner and you have never experienced this, this is something that you need to be aware of. Every dragon can brumate differently and some dragons do and some dragons don't. The premise for brumating is that bearded dragons don't start until they are 1 year old.

**We will go more into depth about brumation and what bearded dragon owners need to be aware of.

In short, there are many factors that a bearded dragon owner needs to be aware of when they say that my bearded dragon won't eat. These here are just some common instances. This is just for informational purposes.

Best Recommendation
The best recommendation is that when you are in doubt go see an animal specialist or a vet.

What do you think are some other reasons why your bearded dragon won't eat? Leave us a comment down below and tell us your story?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Handling Bearded Dragons: Are You Sure?

You got to love bearded dragons just like a dog or a cat however there is a special way to hold your bearded dragon correctly so that you don't injure the bearded dragon. This is why they are a great choice for a pet in 2011 and beyond.

When you handle and hold a bearded dragon this may need some techniques and some skills. There is no proper training to hold a bearded dragon however you need to be aware so that you don't scare them and hurt them. Remember that these are living animals and that they do have a personality.

When you are holding the bearded dragon you need to keep in mind the hygiene and germs from your hands as well as the bearded dragon itself. You want to make sure that they don't get no illness or disease because it can transfer.

Here are some things that you need to know when handling your bearded dragon:

Bearded Dragons can get spooked easily so whenever you are handling them make sure that there your in a quiet area that has limited distractions. If you have a cat or a dog for example, make sure that they are not in the same room. You never know because that cat could eat it.

Bearded dragons don't like to be handled rough. They maybe feel as if they are in danger.

When you are about to pick up your bearded dragon try to pick them up from the side and not from the top like most animals.

Sometimes people like to put the beardie on the shoulder just like a tag along buddy :) Just remember to be careful and pay attention. There is nothing worse then having the dragon run off from the shoulder and then not being able to find it.

Try not to handle them for to long because they may feel stress. (Yes, animals feel stress)

Baby Dragon Owners Note:

- Be very and I mean very careful
-You need to handle them with care
-Be more vigilant with babies than adults

In short, handling a bearded dragon is not as easy as people think. If you follow the guidelines that are listed above this should become very easy.

Take Care

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Transporting Your Bearded Dragon

At The Bearded Dragon Forum, we love talking about Bearded Dragons or Beardies as they are called by some dragon owners. In our free e-book we discuss three things that any future or current bearded dragon owner must do. However, one topic that is not talked about so much is transporting your bearded dragon. One thing is that it is hard to separate an owner from their pet. There is an emotional connection between the owner and the pet that has grown over time. Whether you in Canada, US, United Kingdom or wherever. Here are just a few things that you need to be aware of when transporting your bearded dragon.

-Bearded Dragons are cold blooded
-A temperature controlled tank is an owners best friend
-Keep them away from heated places
-Make sure that the tank is clean and set to adapt to the Bearded Dragons habitat

Again, there are more things to be aware of when it comes to transporting your bearded dragon. I hope that you will keep this in mind.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Best Time To Get A Dragon

Many people ask when is the best time to get a bearded dragon. The reality of it is that anytime is the best time to get a bearded dragon. You need to be prepared when selecting a dragon though. People love to get them after the holidays or sometime in the summer. Again, this is solely based upon your discretion. Due to the fact that in some countries the dragons are available you need to consider the options that are there. If you are selecting one whether from a breader or a pet store may sure that you are aware and that you look over it carefully. The bearded dragon is a very active animal and you want to make sure that the animal you pick has no bumps, bruises, no pus in the eyes. These are just some of the things to be aware of.

In your search of getting a dragon, anytime is a good time!
Happy Searching!

Friday, July 1, 2011

3 Things You Need To Know...For Bearded Dragons

Hello, the Bearded Dragon is such a cool pet to have. Any pet that you get requires some TLM.


If your an owner and you want to provide the best for your dragon then these are the key things you need to keep in mind.

Time is one of the most valuable assets a dragon owner has. With all the distractions out there from work, dating, a social life and more. Owners have forgotten that pets are like people. You need to spend a little time with them. One of the things is that you can try to set aside some time in your busy schedule to enjoy your pet. Remember the reason why you bought it.

Love is something that can't have a dollar value. When you love a pet, it makes you feel happy and gives you such an emotional rush. Owners need to think and remember that in the time you have a pet show some love and affection. It makes you feel good. If that dragon could talk it would say great things as well.

Money is one of the most valuable resources to have as a potential or current owner. Your dragon is exotic however, things may break while he or she is in the tank. Just be prepared to budget for the necessary items that the Dragon requires to survive.

If you keep these three things in mind you are on your way to becoming a more knowledgeable owner.

Naming Your Bearded Dragon

Just like naming a baby, the same goes for a beardie. Names are the hardest thing to come up with because of the following criteria:

-Easy to pronounce
-Easy to remember/recall
-Suitable for personal preference
-Complements itself like Mark and Mindy for example

These are just some general criteria, however some people don't follow that. Here are some sample names that you could call your beardie:

- X-ray

Those are just some examples. We hope that you find success in naming your bearded dragon.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Welcome To The Bearded Dragon Forum

Greetings and welcome to The Bearded Dragon Forum.

This website is designed to provide you the current and resourceful information on taking care of your Dragon. We realize that there is a big need for you to take care of your bearded dragon.

If you are having difficulty caring for your Bearded Dragon and have tried everything that is out there this is why the forum is here. On this forum you will find helpful tips, articles, and information suitable for the future owner or the current owner of a Bearded Dragon. Learn about how a Bearded Dragon can bring happiness to your house and not just another vet bill.

The Bearded Dragon is a sensitive creature and many owners have problems caring for the animal. Learn not to make the mistakes that most people make when caring for a exotic pet. Let the forum get you off on the right direction because everyone loves a bearded dragon.